Translating Words into Algebraic Expressions

Translating Words into Algebraic Expressions: A Step-by-Step Guide

Algebra acts as a bridge between mathematics and the real world, allowing us to describe situations using numbers and symbols. The translation—converting words into algebraic expressions—is an essential skill. Let’s dive into the steps for mastering this process.

Understanding the Components of Algebraic Expressions:

An algebraic expression is a mix of variables, numbers, and arithmetic operations. Variables are symbols that represent unknown quantities, and operations include addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.

The Translation Process:

1. Identify Keywords:

Each word in a problem correlates to a specific mathematical action.

  • Addition: sum, plus, increased by, more than, total of, added to.
  • Subtraction: difference, minus, less than, decreased by, subtracted from.
  • Multiplication: product, times, multiplied by, of.
  • Division: quotient, divided by, per, out of.
  • Equals: is, gives, was, will be, results in, yields.

2. Determine the Variables:

Identify what the variables represent and choose appropriate symbols for them.

3. Translate Phrases into Mathematical Symbols:

Convert the identified phrases into algebraic terms.

4. Set up the Expression:

Construct the expression using the translated terms, keeping the order of operations in mind.

5. Simplify if Necessary:

Combine like terms or use distributive property to make the expression cleaner.

Practice Examples:

Here are some sentences translated into algebraic expressions:

  • “Three more than twice a number” translates to ( 2x + 3 ).
  • “The product of seven and the sum of a number and nine” translates to ( 7(x + 9)), or ( 7x + 63 ) after simplification.
  • “Eight subtracted from the quotient of a number and two” translates to (x/2) – 8 \).
  • “The square of a number decreased by ten” translates to ( x^2 – 10).

Final Tips:

Write down knowns and unknowns, translate step by step, stay consistent with variables, and verify your translations by substituting numbers to test the expressions.

Remember, practice makes perfect when it comes to translating words into algebraic expressions!